
Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions?  We’ve got answers below.

Accessing Box
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Tool Features

Accessing Box

What can I do with Box?

You can take advantage of Box’s easy collaboration features to work with your team on shared content like project documentation or other essential items. Box allows for:

  • Easy file version management (always know when shared files have been modified and by whom)
  • User controlled access levels -you decide who should have access to your content and at what level (sharing, upload, download, edit rights, etc.)
  • Quick insights into who has viewed or downloaded your files
  • Large, secure file sharing (up to 150GB)

What do I need to access Box?

All you need is your browser! This is for all users, whether you are on the MITRE network or not. Navigate to and log in with your credentials.  You will see folders that have been shared with you. Select a folder and click the New button to add files –or, click Share to invite others into your folders. You can even drag-and-drop files right into the browser window for an easy upload.

I am partnering with MITRE, how do I get a Box account?

Box is automatically provisioned for MITRE employees. You must be invited to Box by a MITRE employee through email. As a guest, you are required to set up a free Box account, if they do not have one already. Additional instructions are provided in the invitation.

If you have difficulty creating a free Box account, visit the tip sheet on how to set up your free Box account.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Requirement

What are the requirements to access Box content hosted by MITRE?

To satisfy compliance requirements and prepare Box for storing higher-sensitivity information, two-factor authentication (2FA) is imposed on external accounts. MFA is a common security measure that provides an extra layer of protection to ensure the security of online accounts beyond just a username and password.

External users will be prompted to set up multifactor authentication when they receive an invitation to shared content from a MITRE employee.

We’ve prepared a guide that you can share externally: 2FA guide

Also, here are Box resources:
Enrolling in 2FA for External Collaboration
Multi-factor Authentication Set Up for Your Account

What are the allowed 2FA methods?

One Time Password (OTP) is the only method allowed. Note that SMS (texting) is not supported. There are many Authenticators that support 2FA including Google Authenticator (mobile), Okta Verify, Chrome Authenticator (web browser extension) and Authy.

Are *all* external users affected by the 2FA requirement?
This requirement only affects customers who do not have an enterprise Box subscription.

What if I cannot set up 2FA, what can I do?
Please try to exhaust available options – since browser access is possible, theoretically anyone who can access Box can go through the 2FA challenge.

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